In a world where both demons and evil spirits have already ravaged the earth, humanity pulled through and has now created a new age of peace, celebrating the fact that it has survived through many world wars, pandemics, and multiple extinction events in the Bible. There are places where evil still lurk such as places that have been long abandoned. The young Alejandra now resides in these lands where no human will sanely set foot into.
Alejandra, a young possessed woman who fights for her will to stay on earth every minute to breathe and exist on this mortal plane. However whenever there's a living organism within her presence, the devil inside her overpowers her and condemns anyone and anything to hell as easily as it breathes.
Forsaken, abandoned, and considered an extinction level threat by the Church, they continue to hunt her down as the demon inside her pulls her closer to hell every second.
Alone, exhausted, possessed, and continously fighting for 50 years straight (both friend and foe), she continues to keep everyone safe and far away, preventing it from bringing them down to hell with her.
Alejandra is a possessed warrior taken in by the Exorcist Union (similar to the United Nations) which their goal is to eliminate the remaining demons and undead to purify and regain back deconsecrated grounds. Deep within her psyche is a woman that longs to experience a normal life among other people. A normal life, with friends, a family, and a community to rely on. Sadly, the demon within her has the power to curse and damn souls straight to hell.
Alejandra's outfit was custom made for her thanks to the Exorcist Union due to her possessed puppet-like combat. During combat, when pure adrenaline takes over, the demon numbs her nervous system and bolsters her muscles to a degree that she constantly hemorhhages mid-combat. Now, it's not her that controls her movements, it's the demon inside her.
There is a cult out there, that did various experiments on binding demons to several unborn children through their mother's womb, these children are named "Hell Children". Several sacrifices, offerings, genocides, and rituals were made to make this happen and Alejandra was one of those children. Unlike her fellow possessed kin, she was not bound to a demon since birth. She was kidnapped and forced into the ritual and had her soul forcefully melded into a demon to grant it power in this mortal realm.
The demon that was bound to her wanted us to address it as "Arbiter Malbus Umbra" but "Malbus" for short. It's power lies within it's multiple but more than enough arms that can drag you to hell in multiple ways may it be eye contact, physical touch, condemnation, or just the old fashion way; through slaughter. Malbus has also granted Alejandra the power to read any person's darkest intentions and rarely, their benevolent intentions.
Due to Alejandra being born before the binding ritual, she still has power to resist Malbus' power through sheer will and a sense of belonging in this world, even if it brings anyone to hell.
After the event when she lost control and damned all of her colleagues to hell, the Exorcist Union, and what's left of the Vatican have hired exorcists, and specialists to try and weaken her demonic powers. However their efforts are fruitless as Malbus keeps reinforcing Alejandra's defense through pure offense. Too much budget was wasted on manpower, and the focus has then been shifted to studying her behaviors.
She barely eats, drinks, or even sleep now that she's in the advanced stages of possession. She's too far gone and too many of our methods prove to be ineffective in seperating her SAFELY from the demon. When the time comes, we'll have to terminate both the demon and Alejandra from existence.
Alejandra is capable of supernatural strength that it allows her to carry four big swords on her back, as wielding all four in combat with ease. The movements and techniques she performs while attacking are made by Malbus controlling her muscles regardless of her wellbeing, much to Alejandra's cries for pain. She is also capable of violently expelling hemorhhaged blood from her mouth, with enough force to cut a man clean in half up to a hundred meters. Her last and most deadliest ability is to blind people with darkness so that only her and the demon are visible to her victims.
Those killed by the hands of Alejandra are sent straight to hell, but those killed by Malbus are forever damned to his service. This must be why Alejandra fights for control to kill rather than Malbus.
Alejandra's real name is Eleanor. Her parents were slaughtered and she was kidnapped and forced into the binding ritual. It involves inflicting mental, spiritual, and physical anguish to the subject in order to render them vulnerable to possession. After several days of rotting in a cell after the binding ritual, bloodied, and dehydrated. The Exorcist Union managed to raid one of the cult's hideouts and saved Alejandra from succumbing from the symptoms of possession and helped her recuperate. She was then trained to learn how to hold back the voices and thoughts of the demon Malbus inside her.
She befriended her colleagues and the Exorcist Union formed a team of cursed individuals to purify and defeat the forces of evil. However when the cultists employed the Hell children to retrieve Alejandra, they empowered their demons as well as Alejandra's to awaken in the mortal realm. When Alejandra eliminated half of the Hell Children, she couldn't hold back Malbus anymore. When Henry and her colleagues came to rescue her, she lost her family when they were damned to hell by Malbus.
After this event, she distances herself from all living life. However after then she learned to accept this fact and wanted to enjoy life among other living people, despite Malbus cursing everyone she touches or makes eye contact with.
It was only when she "infiltrated" the purified cities was when she got the attention of the Exorcist Union and the Vatican. We have called these areas, "Deconsecrated grounds". She infiltrated clubs, festivals, parties, halloween, and other events with cultural significance.
She longs for existence within this world despite it endangering everyone around her. She has accepted this a long time ago and continues to both elude the Exorcist Union and eliminate it's forces too effectively, yet her presence is too dangerous to ignore.